PostgreSQL Strange Timings

A very simple query. PostgreSQL 8.4. I have no idea why the simple query is 7 times faster than the EXPLAIN ANALYZE version. Any ideas? Anyone?

SELECT COUNT(*), xtype 
FROM test 
GROUP BY xtype 
ORDER BY xtype;

      count  | xtype
      669000 | A
       84000 | B
       63000 | D
       15000 | E
      159000 | G
     7866000 | H
     1000000 | N
      144000 | NI
    (8 rows)

    Time: 3366,822 ms
explain analyze 
SELECT COUNT(*), xtype 
FROM test 
GROUP BY xtype 
ORDER BY xtype;
                                                               QUERY PLAN
     Sort  (cost=243136.22..243136.24 rows=8 width=2) (actual time=24544.883..24544.889 rows=8 loops=1)
       Sort Key: xtype
       Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 25kB
       ->  HashAggregate  (cost=243136.00..243136.10 rows=8 width=2) (actual time=24544.838..24544.848 rows=8 loops=1)
             ->  Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..193136.00 rows=10000000 width=2) (actual time=0.012..11501.738 rows=10000000 loops=1)
     Total runtime: 24544.980 ms
    (6 rows)

Why Use ORMs?

ORM aka Object Relational Mapping is quite a crappy way of converting a relational database model into an object model. Usually this means that there is a class for each database table.

Many people say that ORMs are the best human idea since the sliced bread. I mention some of their arguments below.

How to Load SQL File to Database

It would be nice to have the possibility of loading an sql file to database using a normal database api. OK, let’s define what the ‘normal api’ is. This should be a full featured api for connecting to database and performing queries, with many drivers available. My favorite ones are: JDBC and DBI (yes, the one from Perl). Unfortunately Python doesn’t have any. Python’s DBAPI 2.0 is a kind of joke, not API.

Are SQL Database Joins So Bad?

Last time on many forums there were endless discussions about database joins. All about how they are bad, very inefficient, and terrible and the best is to avoid them. Generally that’s not true and I’ll try to show this here (taking some small 10 million records tables as on one forum was suggested).